Obama raises religious themes in health care battle

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama invoked many religious themes in his conference call to rabbi’s in support of health care reform.  Here are three news excerpts:

From Time, “The president described the need to tackle health reform as a “moral conviction” that “no one in America should be denied basic health care because he or she lacks health insurance.” He paraphrased Genesis, saying that reform would address “what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation that we look out for one another, that I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper.”As soon as he was finished, the moderator of the call told participants, “God has given us a spirit of love, justice and action. Let’s put it to work.”

From Politico, “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death,” Obama said, according to Moline (paging Sarah Palin…), quoting from the Rosh Hashanah prayer that says that in the holiday period, it is decided “who shall live and who shall die.”

From CNN, “Some 140,000 people participated in the call, the coalition of more than 30 faith-based groups that organized the event said in a written statement.Obama urged the listeners to reject misinformation about his plans, noting, “There are some folks out there who are, frankly, bearing false witness.

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