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Catholic author: Too many texting-sexting headlines

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[5]Weekend National Faith News Focus:

DETROIT, April 15 /Christian Newswire/ — The issues of texting and sexting continue to make headlines and highlight the need for families of faith to get back to basics and stand up against today’s over-sexed and media saturated culture. So says best-selling Catholic author, syndicated Catholic Talk Show Host, and Media Expert Teresa Tomeo.  Tomeo who recently co-authored a series of books “All Things Girl” and “All Things Guy” points to two recent stories concerning media influence that should cause families to stop and think about their own media consumption especially what their children might be doing on the cell phone or computer.

“There have been a number of cases recently with young people being hauled into court for sexting or sending nude or partially nude photos over the Internet.  We are now learning of some states including most recently Vermont, looking to make consensual sexting legal.  We also know from a new survey just released by Nielsen that teens top the texting list sending and receiving on average 17 hundred text messages a month.  While cell phones and the Internet are certainly needed to communicate in today’s world, something has got to give.  The situation has reached a critical point with young people and families need to understand the influence,” said Tomeo.

In addition to the series for tweens, Tomeo has written two other books. Her first book “Noise: How Our Media Saturated Culture Dominates Lives and Dismantles Families” was published in 2007 and is a Catholic best-seller.  Her second book “Newsflash:  My Surprising Journey from Secular Anchor to Media Evangelist” was published in September.