- Oregon Faith Report - https://oregonfaithreport.com -

Native Americans in Oregon still have a gift to share

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[5]Dr. Paul Metzger, Prof. Multnomah University,
New Wine, New Wineskins Ministries [6]

A Native American Christian woman who attended New Wine, New Wineskins’ conference “Created to Create” said that it was encouraging that we made space for a Native perspective; the dominant Christian culture rarely includes indigenous people in such discussions. This is so painfully and sadly true, and it is to the dominant Christian culture’s severe detriment.

Billy Graham once said something to the effect that the Native American Christian community was the sleeping giant in the church’s outreach to American culture.

I heartily agree, though with one qualification: the dominant church culture has also been asleep to the Native American Christian’s strategic ecclesial and missional role. As we move beyond a rationalistic and modernistic approach to the faith in North America, we will find that the Native Christian’s unique engagement and expression of biblical orthodoxy in its worship and art will impact a post-modern culture for the gospel. I am thankful that Native American Christians with their unique prophetic and artistic calling made space For more event information, please visit new-wineskins.org! for the rest of us at “Created to Create” this past month.

Read the whole newsletter here. [7]