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UofO confronts Anti-semitism, free speech and vandalism

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[5]UofO broils over anti-Antisemitism vs. free speech debate

Oregon Faith Report News Note: A white nationalist group called the Pacifica Forum has been hosting meetings at the University of Oregon which sponsoring the neo-Nazi National Socialists Movement.   Also occurring have been incidences of antisemetism and anti-gay vandalism.

Joseph A. Lieberman of The Jewish Review [6] reports, “..University of Oregon janitors found swastikas spray-painted on a carpet, a computer and a television screen of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Alliance office in the Erb Memorial student union building. This is the same building where in December Jimmy Marr delivered an inflammatory presentation before the Pacifica Forum that sparked weeks of protests, UO policy reviews and student senate confrontations. During that appearance by Marr, a half dozen individuals from Portland and elsewhere in Oregon who were believed to represent the National Socialist Movement shouted “sieg heil” in unison prior to a showing of slides and videos of NSM rallies.

Pacifica member Valdas Anelauskas claimed the LGBTQA swastikas were more likely done by anti-Pacifica Forum student protestors “as a publicity stunt to make it look like a hate crime and falsely blame us.”  Read entire article here [7].