[6]From the book “Our Stories, God’s Glory [7]“
A collection of real life inspiration stories from Oregonians
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One hot summer day, when my high school buddy and I went for a drive, I stopped my car at an intersection of two country roads in Kansas.
All of a sudden, an approaching truck charged across the intersection and headed straight towards my car. I just sat there, shocked and paralyzed, unable to react!
The next thing I knew, I was standing in the road beside the rear end of my car.
In unbelief, I stared at the truck. It had totally crushed the left side of my car, where I’d been sitting in the driver’s seat.
When I could finally move, I rushed to the passenger’s side of my car to check on my friend. I found him pinned between the dashboard and his seat. Although he was badly shaken, he seemed to be unharmed.
I breathed a sigh of relief. But when I glanced over at the driver’s seat, I could hardly believe my eyes.
The front end of the truck had totally crushed the entire driver’s seat. If I had been sitting there when the truck barreled into my car, there is no way I’d be alive today.
The force of the truck’s impact rammed the steering wheel completely through the front seat all the way into the back seat!
When the police and an ambulance arrived, everyone asked me the same question.
“What happened? How in the world did you get out of your car without opening the door or a window?”
I didn’t have an answer. Since the car’s air conditioner had been turned on high, I had rolled up all the car windows. The windows were still rolled up in spite of the bashed-in door, which they had to pry open.
Neither my buddy nor the truck driver could offer any explanation for how I got out of the car. Between seeing the truck barreling towards me, and when I found myself standing unharmed on the road next to the trunk of my car, I couldn’t remember one single thing.
Everyone who witnessed the accident scene knew there was no logical explanation for how I exited my car before that crash.
“For [God] shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”
Psalm 91:11
Rev. George Dikeman
Beaverton, Oregon
From the book “Our Stories, God’s Glory [7]“
A collection of real life inspiration stories from Oregonians
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Be a part of 1,000 Oregonians sharing their faith story here [8].