Pastoral Statement from Archbishop Sample on U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson
By Archdiocese of Portland Oregon [6]
In answer to the prayers and heroic efforts of many over these past decades, today the Supreme Court ruled to reverse the flawed Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 and return the decision to restrict abortion to individual states. This is an important step forward in rebuilding a culture of life that respects and protects the inherent dignity of every human being, from conception to natural death, especially for those who are disproportionately targeted by the abortion industry.
Although this is a promising decision, it does not mark the end of our efforts: it marks a new beginning. Our goal has never been simply to make abortion illegal. Our goal is to make it unthinkable. Our battle to protect the most fragile and vulnerable of all human life, namely the unborn child, continues on the state level, including here in Oregon.
While the Church has done so much to help women and men heal from abortion, provide support to women who choose life, offer love and compassion to former abortion workers, and address the reasons why women seek abortions and offer meaningful alternatives, we cannot count that as enough. We must not rest in our efforts until the day no one chooses to pursue an abortion. The mercy of God knows no bounds, for both the unborn child and those women and men who have sadly experienced the tragedy of abortion in their own lives. I pray for the profound healing only Jesus can bring.
While this announcement may come with a profound sense of victory for us as Catholics, I must remind you it may bring a sense of anger and confusion for others. The truth is, these people have been deceived. It is precisely now that we must show them we are the people of hope and forgiveness. It is not a time for triumphalism – it is a time for gratitude, and for mercy.
Join me in supporting women with difficult or unplanned pregnancies with love and support. Consider getting involved in pro-life work in your local communities.
For more information, please visit Pregnancy Support Resources [7].