Randy Alcorn, founder of EPM
By Randy Alcorn
Eternal Perspectives Ministry [6]
In late 2021, I shared on my blog [7] about increased Christian persecution in Nigeria. Almost a year and a half later, our brothers and sisters in Christ there continue to face daily dangers. (International Christian Concern reports [8] that continued militant attacks are threatening Nigeria’s upcoming elections in February.)
Here is a letter sent last month by a dear Nigerian brother we’ve known for years:
Though I am very familiar with the English language, there are some words I have to check in the dictionary to make sure I am using them precisely. The word genocide popped into my mind this Christmas Eve due to reports of many attacks on my people. This week alone, there have been two attacks in a town about three miles from my village. In these two attacks, lives were lost, houses burnt down, and churches set ablaze.
With tears in my eyes, I checked the meaning of genocide in the dictionary. Many dictionaries were consulted. The general meaning is the “deliberate and systematic killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group, with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”
Eyewitnesses and verified reports made me conclude that these happenings are nothing short of a “deliberate, international, systematic and orchestrated” killing of the people of Southern Kaduna people who are predominantly Christians by the Fulani people who have the president of Nigeria as one of their very own.
…in my previous updates, I have referred to all these horrible events as persecutions of believers, but I believe that it is not just religious persecution of my people but an intentional act to wipe out my people while the government of the day has refused to defend or even to give any support whatsoever. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is headed by President Mohammed Buhari, a Fulani and Muslim, and the Governor of Kaduna State is a Fulani and Muslim.
…[What are these] crimes against my people? The murder of lives and property, burning of homes and churches, rape against women, and forcing young Christian girls into slavery and marriages to jihadists. A family of six had their house completely burnt down. A schoolmate of mine also had his house completely burnt down, and he barely escaped with his life. Several weeks ago, one of our pastors was killed. The Fulani who abducted him from his house gave him two options—to be shot by a gun or slaughtered like a chicken. After three days, he was shot, and his corpse was later retrieved and buried. These crimes against innocent people continue unabated, and there is no hope in sight. You see why I have arrived at the conclusion that it is genocide.
My people cannot really repel these attacks which often happen between 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. They have only bows and arrows and at best hunting guns, while the enemy has sophisticated weapons such as machine guns and AK-47s.
You may be wondering what my personal feelings are about these matters. I have lots of fear about the security of my family and even my own [life]. I think about death every day. I think about taking my family and running away and hiding far away from Nigeria. …[but] where can I run to in this situation? I have my people here. I have believers here who look up to me, and running away is not an option at THIS POINT IN TIME.
My prayer is that the world must as a matter of urgency come to the rescue of the people of Southern Kaduna State, who have been selected for destruction and to be wiped out of existence. In my mind, we need the international community and world leaders to investigate and bring to justice the Government of Nigeria and the Kaduna State Government, to account for these crimes against their people. I know I am a small person without the status to be heard by the international community, but I am sharing with you to help us pray to God. And if you are able to communicate this to any international media, please do so as God gives you the grace. If you are also able to reach out to your government representatives who can take our concerns to the international community, it would also be great.
Our strongest weapon continues to be your prayers. Pray for those who have lost their loved ones—widows, widowers, orphans, etc. Pray for those who have lost everything. I mean everything. I thank you for being friends and prayer partners, and I do appreciate your love, support, and friendship.