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War on religion spiking in U.S. and U.K.

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By Catholic League of Religious and Civil Rights

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the war on religion in the West:

People of faith, mostly Christian, in the United States and the United Kingdom, are being harassed and arrested by government agents at an alarming rate. The most common reason why these non-violent persons are being bullied is their biblical objection to the radical LGBT agenda. Their freedom of speech and freedom of religion are being trounced, and most civil libertarians are cheering it on, so far gone are they from their founding principles.

Here are a few examples of this war on religion.

United States:

United Kingdom:

Notice that in every one of these cases it was militant secularists who complained about, or bullied, people of faith, most of whom are Christians. It is not the latter who are seeking to deny the rights of secularists; no, it is secularists who are punishing people of faith.

While all of these incidents are horrific, none smacks of totalitarianism more than the English cop who asked the army veteran, “Can I ask what is the nature of your prayer today?” That is right out of Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany and Mao’s China. If they can find the technology to read your mind, some will demand that Christians caught praying in public be shot. That’s where we’re headed.