Ministering to youth in a multicultural Church

By Archdiocese of Portland,

A workshop will be held on the topic of “Ministering to youth in a multicultural Church” on Saturday, February 21, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The workshop will be held at St. Luke Church in Woodburn. The in-service will be presented by Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, Assistant Director of the Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

The workshop will be presented in English and is directed to Pastors, priests, deacons, directors of religious education, coordinators of youth ministry, parish Hispanic Ministers, campus ministers, and Catholic School educators. Topics for the in-service will include:

* A look at cultural diversity in the church of the United States
* Nine steps for ecclesial integration
* Pastoral principals for effective youth ministry in culturally diverse settings.

The demographics of the Archdiocese of Portland have grown to show more cultural diversity. Many parishes now have regular liturgies in a language other than English. Ministering to youth in a multicultural setting comes with a particular set of challenges including language barriers and cultural differences.

Alejandro Aguilera-Titus has twenty five years experience in ministry with a strong emphasis on leadership development and formation, catechesis, pastoral planning and ministry with young people. He is a nationally know speaker and writer highly regarded for his practical application of theological thought to pastoral ministry and formation.

The in-service is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry and the Office of Hispanic Ministry. The cost of the in-service is $30 per person. There is a $5 per person discount for parishes sending two or more participants. Registration will be online


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