Pope uses Twitter. Faithful rejoice, critics decry

By Catholic League for Religious and civil rights

Bill Donohue

Most of the world’s reaction to the pope’s use of Twitter has been extraordinarily positive, but his enemies are having a field day. Two quick examples.

The Kansas City Star and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette have long been among the most anti-Catholic newspapers in the nation. So it is not surprising that their love for abortion rights and the right of two men to marry would lead them to suffer apoplexy over the pope’s Twitter account. This is why their respective cartoonists, Lee Judge and Rob Rogers, exploded in anger today at the pope; they used these issues to hammer the pope’s use of Twitter to advance his views.

No one will stop the Holy Father from championing the rights of children, born and unborn, and the integrity of marriage and the family. Those who find his positions objectionable have every reason to be scared: the more people learn how abortion kills, and homosexual marriages dilute the privileged position of traditional marriages, the more they are likely to embrace the pope’s idea of civil rights and the common good.

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