
February 7, 2014 - “I Love Jesus, But Not My Mother.”

By Paul Louis Metzger Multnomah University Professor New Wine Skins Ministry I originally posted this piece on March 6, 2012. As I prepared once again to teach ecclesiology this semester,  I reflected upon these themes and thought them pertinent in the present context. Much has been made of the video “Why I […]

February 5, 2014 - Pope is prophetic..not political

By Tom Krattenmaker  Award-winning Portland-based writer Recent book: The Evangelicals you Don’t Know – Article  featured on..USA Today It’s one thing to say kind words about gay people and atheists while admonishing those who would bury them in stones. It’s one thing to walk humbly and call the Catholic Church […]

February 3, 2014 - Does Political Correctness Increase Bullying?

by Rick Johnson Better Dads Ministry, Roseberg Oregon If you are like me you are sick of hearing about this topic.  But that begs the question: is bullying becoming a bigger problem within our culture, or does the media just sensationalize it because it is the topic du jour?  If […]