The 2009 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal has found its theme in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (11:1) “Imitate Christ.” The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal provides immediate support for many ministries and programs that meet the everyday needs of the people of the Archdiocese of Portland. The Appeal helps support such ministries as seminary education for future priests, tuition support for Catholic Schools, and health and care for retired priests.
The goal for the 2009 Catholic Appeal is $3,640,000. Last year more than 26,000 donors supported the more than 75 ministries and programs assisted by the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. Increasing the number of participating parishioners is one of the goals of this year’s Appeal. Each parish and mission has a targeted dollar goal. Goals for the 2009 campaign range from $740 at St. Catherine of Siena Mission in Mill City to $128,692 at St. Pius X Parish in Cedar Mill.
In reflecting upon the theme for this year’s Appeal, Archbishop John G. Vlazny wrote, “One of the most endearing images we have of Jesus Christ is as the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd is a leader who guides and protects the flock and provides particular attention to lost or endangered sheep. Of course, the Good Shepherd provides a befitting metaphor for the Church, which leads people in the life of virtue, guides the faithful in worship and prayer, and attends to those in need.” The Archbishop continued, “The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal funds our Local Church’s action, service and advocacy for people in need throughout Western Oregon. Out outreach makes our faith credible; and our faith makes our sacrifice possible.”
The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is vitally important to many ministries in the Archdiocese of Portland, ministries which touch virtually every parish and mission within the Archdiocese. The Appeal provides support for the justice and peace, vocations, Catholic Deaf ministry and ministry to people with disabilities. The Appeal supports
efforts in pro-life activities, outreach to those who are imprisoned, religious education training and formation, campus ministry, and training for lay ministers.
Father Patrick Brennan, Vicar for Clergy and Judicial Vicar noted that “Christ’s life was completely for others, a life of sacrifice and self-sacrifice. We can’t all be personally involved in all the Church’s works, thus one way to remain closely tied to the work of the Church is through financial contributions. Without them, we couldn’t fulfill our mission as an archdiocese. We are so grateful that people have stayed with us through the very difficult days. We’re in the process of rebuilding, so your support becomes all the more important.”
Writing to parishioners Archbishop Vlazny stated, “Contributing to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is one concrete way to imitate Christ’s compassion, kindness and self-sacrifice. Our appeal is very, very important: The ACA forms the core of support for our many ministries and it creates a sense of solidarity with the whole archdiocese.”
Commitment Sunday is February 15. Catholics are encouraged to be as generous as possible in their pledge to support the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal.
### Portland Archdiocese,
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