California Family Council,
SACRAMENTO, May 26 /Christian Newswire/ — Today the California Supreme Court rendered its opinion regarding Proposition 8, upholding the traditional definition of marriage in the state Constitution. By a vote of the people in the November, 2008 general election, Prop 8 has been in place in the Constitution as Article 1, Section 7.5, stating Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
Responding to the Court’s decision, Ron Prentice, California Family Council’s executive director, said “Both the historic definition of marriage and the will of the people has been bolstered today in California. We thank the Court for their sound legal decision. More than 100,000 people gave of their time and resources to reinforce the meaning and purpose of marriage, and now, the broad coalition of organizations and individuals known as moves ahead to strengthen the essential role of marriage in California’s future.”
Oral arguments before the California Supreme Court took place on March 5, and the deadline for the Court’s decision was the first week of June. Kenneth Starr, former Solicitor General of the United States, argued on behalf of before the Court. was the only entity arguing for the majority of California’s voters, as Jerry Brown, the state’s Attorney General, opposed Prop 8.
Celebrations of the decision are being planned for several cities in California. For instance, the San Diego and Fresno communities have scheduled events for Sunday, May 31. Jim Franklin, pastor of Cornerstone Church in Fresno, said “People of faith have stood strong in this battle for marriage, and we intend to stand together moving forward, regardless of the threats that may come our way.”
Cornerstone Church’s property has been the target of multiple physical attacks since the November election. In two consecutive nights last week, the church was defaced with red and yellow paint spread on its exterior walls.
Prentice, who also served as the chairman of the executive committee, said “Opponents of traditional marriage have been exposed for their intolerance of a person’s rights of conscience and religious expression. We are devoted to informing and educating Californians on marriage’s ultimate value to a society, for the benefit of children and the next generation.”
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