Dr. Paul Louis Metzger,
Professor Multnomah University,
New Wine, New Wineskins Ministries
Recent articles have been published in Newsweek, Time, and the Christian Science Monitor regarding the speculated collapse of the evangelical church. We can either fear the collapse and retreat inside our church walls, or break down those walls and make an even greater gospel impact. Evangelicals have a rich heritage of outreach to hurting people around the world, and we are reaching out compassionately in increasing measure in our surrounding communities. On the evening of June 15th, New Wine, New A Word from the Director by Paul Louis Metzger
Wineskins will be hosting an event in conjunction with several westside churches and the Palau Season of Service titled, “An Uncommon God and the Common Good: A Collapse-Proof Evangelical Church.” Will you come and join us at Beaverton Foursquare on June 15th, as we fan the flame of this year’s Season of Service with the Luis Palau Association, and as we celebrate what Portland area churches are doing to reach out beyond their walls?
Dr. Paul Louis Metzger is Professor of Christian Theology and Theology of Culture at Multnomah Biblical Seminary and Director of The Institute for the Theology of Culture: New Wine, New Wineskins.
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