By Traci Scott, Faith Reporter
Oregon recently played host to two successful “Night to Honor Israel” events, which are sponsored by Christians United for Israel, a coalition of more than 250,000, and have been held in 95 cities since 2006. “Night to Honor Israel” is a non-conversionary tribute to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people of the world. Its purpose is to promote respect and understanding between Christians and Jews and to emphasize the things that we hold in common, rather than accent our religious differences.
The first event was held in Eugene at the Valley River Inn on May 24 and far exceeded organizers’ expectations, with nearly double the anticipated attendance. The evening included moving comments by Rabbi Asi Spiegel and Pastor Brian Cuff, Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Eugene. David Brog, Executive Director of Christians United for Israel, served as keynote speaker and received a rousing standing ovation for his inspirational message on faith in action.
An offering was received to benefit Save A Child’s Heart, which is an Israel-based medical facility that performs life saving heart surgeries for children.
The second event was held at New Hope Community Church in Portland on June 7. Frank Gaffney, Jr., founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, which is a Washington, D.C. think tank dedicated to national security policy, served as the keynote speaker and provided a stimulating discourse on security. Duncan Kirkwood, a student activist and civil rights champion, also spoke at the event.
The Portland event raised $5,000 to benefit the Barnea Absorption Center in Ashkelon, home to 450 Ethiopian immigrants, and Atidim at the Kfar Silver Absorption Center.
“Night to Honor Israel” has a proven track record of bringing Christians and Jews together in a non-threatening environment that promotes genuine brotherly love.
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