Oregon Mennonites taken in by popular magazine scam

By Traci Scott,
Faith Reporter,

Several residents of the Mennonite Village in Benton County were recently duped by a bogus magazine sales operation, according to general manager John Kollaer.  Solicitors are not allowed in the village; however, that didn’t stop two young men and two young women from going door-to-door attempting to sell fictitious magazine subscriptions to residents.  The four told residents they could win a trip to Cancun, Mexico, and that cash payment would help them earn more points toward their goal.

At least six residents gave the solicitors money, and two gave cash.  One resident wrote a check for $160.  Residents have now been notified and those who wrote checks were advised to place a stop payment.

Kollaer indicated he performed online research of the company, CRS, Inc. of Aubrey, Texas, and discovered the company has run similar suspicious operations under various names in several locations throughout the country, including Rochester, Washington.

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