Oregon Faith Report Reader Survey,
Join the discussion, 9 new faith questions can be answered here.
Question: In good humor, which of the following “sins” are the people you know most guilty of committing?
Choices: Bringing outside food into a theater, Not paying the parking meter, Leaving spoiled food in the employee fridge, Not returning an item to a library or friend, Rolling stop at a stop sign. Below are the results;
The results show that Oregonians are angels when it comes to paying the parking meter and more mistake prone when it comes to food issues. Should we be concerned that the leading “sin” in the poll is the only choice given that could actually endanger other people’s life? Then again spoiled food in the office fridge does raise the risk of food poisoning. Thank you Oregon Report Readers who partook in this light humor survey.
— Join the discussion, 9 new faith questions for November can be answered here
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