Circus on the Streets is a new program by Portlander Sarah Stein set in the colorful Lower East Side of New York City in the 1920’s and 30’s. These are colorful and memorable stories which Sarah wrote about her family’s life during the 1930’s and early 1940’s in the immortal Lower Circus on the StreetEast Side. The show is filled with local color and nostalgia touching on such things as street life (“circus on the streets”), Coney Island and classic radio programs. There are also colorful characters like Sarah’s father Hyman (“the tailor from coast to coast”) and her cousin, Chaim , “the terror of the Lower East Side”. The show is a wonderful mixture of laughter and poignancy. The event is for adults and children over 10 yrs. December 5th at 7:30pm, Hipbone Studio, 1847 E. Burnside, Portland.
Sarah is a former Children’s Librarian, Sarah has been telling professionally for over 16 years. She specializes in telling stories to children and families, but adults also enjoy her stories. Although Jewish stories are her special love, Sarah also tells many other kinds of stories. She especially loves telling humorous stories, where she can use her ironical New York sense of humor. Sarah has studied with the noted storytellers and teachers, Doug Lipman and Laura Simms, and is a founding member of the Portland Storytellers’ Guild.
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