Swastika hits campus after Holocaust panel

Oregon Faith News Note: It seems unbelievable in Oregon, but after a Holocaust survivor spoke at Reed College someone spray painted a swastika on a student’s door.  The Portland Police were called in to investigate and a campus wide appeal was made to help solicit information on the harassment.  The Holocaust panel was organized by student Leslie Zukor.   The Oregon Jewish Review reports further,

Zukor organized the Feb. 25 program “The Holocaust, Memory and What We Can Learn From the Nazi Genocide,” following articles satirizing the Holocaust in The Pamphlette, a two-page weekly published by Reed College students. Reed faculty cited free speech in defense of the first two articles, but Reed President Colin Diver emailed a campus-wide apology in the aftermath of the final article and The Pamphlette apologized in print.

“For too many young people, the Holocaust has become a distant event,” said Zukor, a senior majoring in anthropology. “However, in the wake of the Pamphlette controversy, I felt the need to educate people about the horrors of the Holocaust and the terrifying scale of the Nazi genocide.

…Frank Wesley fled Germany after being released from Buchenwald two months after being arrested on Kristalnacht. He returned to Germany after volunteering for the U.S. Army. He said that the killing of Jews in Germany was so efficient and so unique, that people don’t understand it.“It was much larger than people realize,” Wesley said, adding the Holocaust had its roots in World War I and would have continued even if Hitler had succeeded in killing all the Jews. “Hitler had plans to kill every Pole. He hated the Russians.”

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