Hi-Tech threats to our children

By Randy Alcorn
Eternal Perspectives Ministries

Sandy OregonI remember speaking at a Bible college as a visiting lecturer in the early 1980s. During one week of teaching, I had three different female students approach me and confess that they each were having an affair with a youth pastor or senior pastor in their church. It was like cold water thrown in my face. I think the Lord strategically brought those contacts into my life to help me realize I needed to address this issue.

Now that was in the 1980s, when we didn’t yet have the internet. We were in the very early days of renting videos. At that point, I started comparing our culture to ancient Corinth, where you could go out into the streets and supposedly find a thousand priestesses of Aphrodite—prostitutes who would throw themselves at men passing by. Today, with TVs, VCRs, DVDs, especially the internet, and now even cell phones, the immediacy and the amassing of pornography is greater than anything we could have imagined.

A couple weeks ago on a Saturday night, I spoke on the topic of sexual purity at my home church. The following clip from that message is one of the less popular statements I’ve made on this topic, but one that I believe is very important for parents to heed. The second clip is from the next Sunday and contains some follow up thoughts.

Would you buy your son a stack of pornographic magazines? from Randy Alcorn on Vimeo.

It’s not just a problem for boys from Randy Alcorn on Vimeo.

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