Oregon Faith Report Reader Survey,
Just in time for the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nominee hearings. Recently we surveyed our readers this question: “Do you feel a Supreme Court nominee’s religion should be a part of the public discussion?”. The majority, 56%, said religion should not be part of the public debate and 44% said yes.
Below are people polled responses on the Elena Kagen question…
– I’m more interested in a candidates moral character than his “religion”.
– It is important to understand every aspect of a nominee’s decision making process
– I would like to know where they are coming from and what they believe.
– Okay if it is, just doesn’ t really matter. It is the principles they act on in their faith that matter, and that is what needs to be scrutinized
– A Supreme Court nominee like Elena Kagan or Sam Alito for that matter, should be free to express their history and life-story in regards to beliefs but not be compelled. There is a vast difference.
– Whatever Kagan says will be used against her anyways.
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