Oscar nominated Roland Joffe, the director of the highly acclaimed films “The Mission” and “The Killing Fields,” has returned to the big screen with the epic movie “There Be Dragons,” a powerful story of love, loss and forgiveness set during the time of the Spanish Civil War. Coming to US theaters on May 6, 2011, the film centers around the life of Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of the Catholic organization Opus Dei. “There Be Dragons” combines action, adventure and romance through the life of two friends who are torn apart by war and political anguish.
The timely release of the film in 2011 marks the 75th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, the brutal war fought in Spain in the late 1930’s, a time where both Catholic priests and nuns were murdered and persecuted.
The film’s resource website www.dragonsresources.com offers behind-the-scenes information, movie trailers, cast and crew bios, photos, resource materials, promotional tools, blogs and much more.
Set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, “There Be Dragons” tells the story of two childhood friends who become separated during political conflict and find themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. One chooses the path of peace and becomes a priest while the other chooses the life of a soldier driven by jealousy and revenge. Each struggles to find the power of forgiveness over the forces that tore their lives and friendship apart.
Joffe’s cast for Dragons includes Charlie Cox (Stardust, Casanova), Wes Bentley (American Beauty, Ghost Rider), Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Solace, Max Payne), Derek Jacobi (Gladiator, Golden Compass), Dougray Scott (Mission Impossible, Ever After), and Rodrigo Santoro (300, Che).
Academy Award winner Eugenio Zanetti (Restoration) is art director; Academy Award winner Yvonne Blake (What Dreams May Come) is the wardrobe and costume designer; Academy Award winner Michelle Burke (Quest for Fire, Dracula) is makeup designer. The $40 million film was shot in Argentina and Spain.
*Film Director, Roland Joffe, cast, crew are available for interviews.
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