Eugene rights panel may rebuke Israel
Guest Submission
Israel supporters are angry over the Eugene City Human Rights Commission. The Commission has been working on a resolution criticizing Israel for the May 2010 flotilla raid. The resolution has been inspired by the AL-Nakba Awareness Project . – The AL-Nakba Awareness Project is an Oregon non-profit that advocates for Palestinian rights and “justice and equality in the Holy Land.”.
The Commission received testimony from the public last month. Over 70 Israel supporters from the local Jewish community to Christians United For Israel were present to show their opposition to the resolution. They are now postponing the draft resolution in order to receiving more public input.
The Jewish Review mentioned the opposition:.
“Among those objecting to the letter were Rae La¬Marche, president of the Jewish Federation of Lane County, Craig Weinerman, chairman of Eugene’s Jewish Community Relations Council, and several rabbis. JCRC member Oriana Kahn Hurwit said, “I came because it was time to stand up and defend Israel against actions intended to single out, vilify and isolate that nation. The HRC has never taken any such stance over Darfur or similar international trouble spots.”Yedida Bessemer, Talmud Torah principal at Temple Beth Israel, spoke of her parents who fled to Israel as refugees from Yemen. “The Nakba? More Jews were forced from their homes in Arab nations in 1948 than the number of Palestinians who left Israel,” she said. “Few people mention that.”
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