First Responder and Pastor John Picarello Shares Personal 9/11 Story
NEW YORK, N.Y.—Americans have described the recent headline news of the death of Osama Bin Laden as victory, justice, and closure. As news of the death of the mastermind of the deadliest attack on American soil spread, after a nearly decade long hunt,stories, memories, emotion and united patriotism have emerged—including that of 9/11 First Responder John Picarello.
“As a Firefighter personally affected by the attacks of 9/11/01, I do feel a sense of closure, as if a decade long chapter of my life has come to an end. I can now turn the page and look to the future. As a Pastor there is a sense of Divine justice, although God is long suffering in His dealings with all people; vengeance and recompense belong to Him, and those who shed innocent blood He calls to account for it.” said John Picarello, whose personal story as a 9/11 First Responder is depicted in The Cross and The Towers.
New York City First Responder John Picarello was ordered to the 75th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. As he was receiving these orders, the South Tower was hit by the second plane and began to crumble on top of him, along with the other rescuers assembled in the lobby. His orders would never be completed as he found himself trapped in complete darkness, escaping death, yet surrounded by a mountain of twisted steel, shattered debris and flames.
The Cross and The Towers (, a tremendous documentary with actual footage of 9/11, a story that has never been told, follows the firsthand accounts of Picarello and six other individuals whose lives were changed forever, not only by that day in September but by the stunning symbol of hope they fund at Ground Zero.
In the midst of devastation, an amazing discovery would bring hope when it was needed most—three steel girder crosses lay upright in the middle of Building Six in what looked like an amphitheater with benches. The media noted its appearance. Newspapers and television reporters sought to see it for themselves. One of the three crosses remains on display at Ground Zero today.
Scott Perkins, Executive Producer, of The Cross and The Towers said, “It was like a cavern that became a place of worship for the weary, for those working rescue and recovery at Ground Zero. It was as if God was holding out his hand and saying ‘I am with you, I am here, come find peace.’ It was God’s house-a place for anyone to come and be ministered to.”
This powerful documentary is being released as a special Commemorative Edition as we approach the 10-year Anniversary of 9/11.
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