Computer Guides Couple through Wedding Vows, Marriage Ceremony
By Faith News Note:
Computers have replaced human workers in just about every industry imaginable. Thanks to a self-professed “geek” couple in Houston, Texas, a computer has now performed a wedding in place of a licensed minister or justice of the peace.
Miguel Hanson and Diana Wesley were recently wed by a computer Miguel programmed himself to perform the sacred duties. Miguel, who first met his new wife through an online dating site called “Sweet on Geeks,” got the idea for the virtual minister after being unable to find an available person to conduct the ceremony.
Cleverly named Reverend Bit, the computer greeted those in attendance, reflected on the journey that brought Miguel and Diana together, and walked the couple through the “I do’s.” Reverend Bit even injected a little levity into the ceremony, cracking a programmed joke when it came time to “speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Is there anything a virtual minister can’t do at a wedding?
There is. Reverend Bit can’t sign the wedding license making it official. That requires a flesh and blood human being with authority vested in him or her by the State of Texas.
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