Some people fight for their lives, Death row prisoner Gary Haugen is fighting for his death. This week he challenged Governor Kitzhaber to restate his death penalty execution after the governor placed a moratorium on executions in the state. Gary Haugen is claiming that Kitzhaber’s actions are unconstitutional.
Here are some excerpts from his statement a issued by Haugen’s lawyer: “Mr. Haugen does not feel that you are treating him mercifully by forcing him to remain in a kind of legal limbo that will last for an uncertain period of time, potentially as long as seven years, at the end of which he might, or might not be put to death. Putting Mr. Haugen into that position against his will is more accurately described, in his view, as cruel and unusual punishment. While you have every right, of course, to lead a campaign to repeal the death penalty in Oregon, Mr. Haugen should not be forced to serve as a pawn in that effort.For these reasons, it is Mr. Haugen’s intent, unless you soon take some other action that is within your constitutional authority as Governor, to ask the circuit court to re-issue the death warrant.”
Video below
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