Call for nationwide prayer & racial reconcilation over Trayvon Martin death

Christian Groups to Hold a ‘Nationwide Prayer Meeting’ for Racial Reconciliation and Healing from Sanford, Florida in Response to the Shooting Death of Trayvon Martin

The Prayer Meeting will be broadcast live to the nation through the internet using Ustream and Facebook.
The Prayer Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 18, from 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Organizers are still working with Sanford officials to determine the exact location. To view and be a part of the Prayer Meeting on April 18, go to

There will be also be a “Foot-washing Service” as part of the Prayer Meeting in which members of different races will wash each others feet as a sign of humility, forgiveness and healing.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington D.C. and one of the organizers, states;

“Over the past several weeks, our nation has been riveted and divided over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. This tragic death has opened up old wounds of racial injustice, bigotry and anger. It has also reminded us that race is still a major issue in America.

“Sadly, the loss of this young man’s life has been turned into a political issue fanning the flames of hatred, bitterness, division and finger pointing.

“As people of faith, we believe is important for our nation to come together for prayer and reconciliation. We know that in Christ and through the power of His love and life we can see the walls of bigotry, racism and injustice come crumbling down and the healing process begin.

“Our event in Sanford, Florida is not a protest or demonstration. Rather, it is a public witness that prayer and humility before each other and our God can end racial divisions in America.”

Rev. Mahoney flew to Florida in the September of 2010 to talk Pastor Terry Jones out of burning the Qur’ans (see article).

Corry Robinson, Worship Pastor from Orlando Florida, adds;

“There is a great need in our culture for true justice. Blind justice. Until the church learns to celebrate-rather than tolerate-our ethnic diversity, there can be no true justice in the world, of which we are called to be salt and light.”

For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741

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