Faith Film Review: Lone Ranger unkind to Christians

film-lonerangerThree different reviews from a faith perspective criticize the new Lone Ranger movie as portraying Christians in a negative light for a family fun film. Below are the three reviews of the Lone Ranger on how it treats religion.

Catholic News Service:

But one of the aspects of European culture that gets trounced is Christianity, with believers shown up as either weaklings or hypocrites.Early on, one of the former, a Presbyterian church lady, invites Reid to pray with her during a train ride. In response, Reid holds up the book he’s been reading on the journey — philosopher John Locke’s 1689 text “Two Treatises of Government” — and identifies it as “my Bible.”

From Religion News,

Attacked moments later by outlaws, the Presbyterian pastor’s attempt at a nonviolent resolution is met with a bullet to the leg. Take that, blessed peacemaker. Later in the movie, we spot the pastor again, limping and wild-haired and all but frothing at the mouth as he screams “Heathen!” as the Ranger and Tonto ride by. There’s at least one more prayer in the movie — offered by the man who turns out to be the most vile villain in the story. I guess we’re supposed to understand that as irony. Later the bad guy explains why he’s willing to slaughter so many innocents to gain power and money: “Nothing is accomplished without sacrifice.”

From Plugged in online…

Christianity isn’t treated nearly as reverently. At best, it’s shown as silly and ineffectual: Preachers bluster aimlessly; a servant crosses herself, but it doesn’t save her homestead. At worst, it’s a tool of evil and prejudice: A preacher screams, “Heathen in our midst!” when Tonto walks by, and the preacher is later seen as part of a mob hoping to kill him; a cavalry commander talks about bringing the justice of “Almighty God to the heathen,” and later massacres a tribe while shouting to his troops, “For God and country!”A transcontinental railroad cutting through Comanche territory is described as being blessed by God. A bad guy tells a young widow and her child that he “prayed that God would send me a family that I could care for,” though he obviously has a coarser purpose in mind. Elsewhere he prays, insincerely, that the widow’s savior of a Ranger would come safely out of the desert and that he’d be blessed, “for he is in the path of righteousness.” It’s a prayer that gets answered.

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