Modern miracles featured in new documentary

Movie ‘About Miracles’ Inspires with Dramatic True Stories
By Lifestreams Media

“About Miracles” is a new documentary film featuring true stories about modern day miracles. Produced by Lifestreams Media, About Miracles is getting attention from TV networks, journalists and academics.Results from a 2007 Pew Forum survey indicate that nearly 80% of Americans believe in miracles. Other Pew Forum research indicates that hundreds of millions of people worldwide claim to have experienced or witnessed miracles.”We produced two miracles stories about life and death (gun violence, brain aneurism) and another about financial concerns. We wanted to encourage Christians and challenge doubters,” said Chris Lang, producer/director of About Miracles. “To deny miracles or to characterize them as events that we don’t yet understand rationally is to throw out millions of eye witnesses. But our production went beyond observable miracles. The last story follows the life of a blind man, dealing with the disappointment of apparent-unanswered prayer. This is an awkward topic for many Christians and is often held up as an argument against the existence of a loving, personal God.” Through these real-life accounts, Lang hopes that others will ‘see’ God and miracles in a whole new light.

“About Miracles will inspire you and even challenge you in your understanding of God’s miraculous plan for each of our lives…a remarkable work,” stated Barbara Beck, talk show host for Good Life Broadcasting.

Debbie Holloway, assistant editor at wrote, “About Miracles didn’t leave me with this incomplete version of God, a God who only demonstrates favor by miracles…”

“We are pleased to partner with Lifestreams Media to distribute About Miracles,” said Bill Curtis, president of Vision Video. “We appreciated their approach which shows some miracles but also explores when the requested miracle is not granted or is not granted in the time or way we ask. Very few, if any programs, handle that aspect,” noted Curtis.

Dr. Craig Keener, professor at Asbury Theological Seminary and award-winning author, called About Miracles “inspirational and encouraging…”

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