Portland boy’s pro-same sex marriage Bar-Mitzvah goes viral
Faith News Note,
A Portland youth gave his Bar Mitzvah speech at the Congregation Beth Israel in Portland and choose the topic of the defense of same-sex marriage. Delving into a hot button current event topic for Oregon Duncan McAlpine gave his speech about the defense of same-sex marriage. His speech has been seen on You Tube (99,000 views), and has been featured in The Oregonian, NBC News, KGW-TV, and on the Huffington Post.
.KGW-TV Reports For the Jewish rite of passage, Duncan McAlpine Sennett was tasked with reading a portion of the Torah and relating the text to something he’s passionate about.”I am a very, very strong supporter of equal rights, and the freedom of men and women to marry whomever they love,” he says in the video. Duncan says it would be irresponsible of him, after studying his Torah, to leave out the topic of gay marriage. He argues that the marriage has changed a lot since the days of the Torah.
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