X-Rated Poster in Middle School Just the Tip of the Iceberg
This EXACT curriculum is being used in many Oregon school districts. The poster that a 13 year old Kansas student took a picture of is just the tip of the iceberg. It is shocking to see what sex ed materials are being deemed “best practice”, “medically accurate” and “age appropriate” for minor children.
Do you know what curriculum your school is using?
Parents and guardians have the legal right to view ALL sex ed curriculum (including supplemental materials) used in their district. This should be readily available for viewing at any time. Check out tools and tips found on this website for suggested ways to go about this. You have the right to know what kind of discussions and materials your child and his/her classmates are engaging in once the classroom door closes.
We encourage you to approach your district administrators and teachers with respectful resolve. Hold them accountable and require them to justify the use of selected materials. As parents, you hold a lot more cards than you think!
Kansas parent exposes what middle school students are seeing in their classroom:
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