The Oregon Christian bakers who were fined $135,000 for refusing to make a same-sex wedding cake have done something unusual. The bakers made 11 cakes to send to LGBT organizations along the West Coast. More cakes are expected to be created and sent out to other groups across the country. One of the bakers, Melissa Klein, stated, “They might just throw it in the garbage. They can do that, it’s OK. My hope is that they will see the feeling behind it, and just maybe understand.”
One gay advocacy group who received the cake had a different opinion about the gesture.
One of the groups that received a cake Aug. 20, Equality California, said it considered the package a publicity stunt. The group was planning to invite gay-friendly faith leaders to share the cake, spokesman Jason Howe said.“I think the Kleins are continuing a false narrative that there’s a conflict between LGBTQ and Christianity,” Howe said. “There’s a mainstream that thinks discriminating against people in places of business is wrong.”
Aaron Kline said, “That’s the whole narrative that they’ve put forth this whole time, that I’m this big hateful guy. I don’t get where that comes from because I’ve never been that guy.”
In addition to the cakes they also sent the movie Audacity which is a Christian made film about that deals with Christians and gays in America.
Read more form the Daily Signal.
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