He will give you your heart’s desire

Praise God When Delays Come

Pastor Rich Marshall

West Salem Foursquare Church

Learn the liberating practice of offering praise to your Father and Savior for all things. Through many tests and trials of your faith you will learn that, far greater than any success, He Himself is your victory. Victory awaits you if you patiently persevere, and do not give up. Trust and praise God, knowing that the Holy Spirit is always leading you through life for His purpose – especially when you experience delays.

In Genesis 26, Isaac, Abraham’s son, was continuing in the call of God that his father had showed him. He was doing well as he followed by faith in God’s covenant. Along the way he encountered difficulties and delays. Enemies plugged up the wells when his family and cattle were in need of water. But Isaac didn’t let these obstacles define God’s blessing, or the success of his faith. Instead, Isaac persevered and patiently followed on. After encountering several ruined wells in the deserts, he finally came to the open and plentiful flow of water that God had promised. He was led by the Spirit, and the fruit of victory happened in his life. His enemies even sought him out to improve their relationship because they saw clearly that God was with Isaac.

What if he had settled for weariness and discouragement at the first plugged well, or the second? No, just as Abraham had learned to be patient with God, Isaac continued on even when obstacles blocked the way. Can you see yourself changing your attitude from panic and fear, to a heart of trust and patience even in your trials?

The Apostle Paul encourages us in Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

I see something in the phrase “grow weary”. Isaac rejected weariness and the temptation to quit or jump to conclusions. Weariness is not just the feeling of being tired or fed-up. Weariness can become an attitude, a habitual state of mind that is actually growing in your life. It’s something that, when you give-in to it, you choose to plant and later reap its harvest. Don’t plant a crop of weariness and feed on it just because you encounter delays along the way. Instead, choose to plant praise and perseverance in your actions and words. God has not forgotten you. There’s an abundant flow of refreshing and blessing ahead for you if you do not lose heart. Praise God for today’s delays. You’ll reap the truly valuable fruit of being led by the Spirit of God.

Psalm 37:4 – “Delight yourself in the Lord (offer Him your loving praise), and He will give you (lead you into) the desires of your heart”.


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