Faith moments during Kavanaugh hearing

By Jim Miller,

It is always interesting to see how God and spirituality find themselves into the language of important historic moments. It must be said that invoking God, faith or prayer does not equate to someone’s innocence or righteousness, but interesting nonetheless.  After watching three hours of the hearing I saw only two moments that stood out.

The first was Brett Kavanaugh’s opening statement where he shared about his family personal moments,

“I intend no ill will to Dr. Ford and her family. The other night, Ashley and my daughter, Liza, said their prayers. And little Liza — all of 10 years old — said to Ashley, “We should pray for the woman.” It’s a lot of wisdom from a 10-year old. We mean — we mean no ill will.”

The next came from Kentucky US Senator Kennedy whose sole line of questioning was dedicated to asking Brett Kavanaugh to swear to God right there on the Senate Judiciary Hearing Room that he did not rape the three women accusing him.

I did not find any faith related uterances during the Dr. Christine Ford testimony or among her questioners.  If I missed something please add it to the comments.

I am sure we may see more as the debate heats up in the following days.  All the senators I am sure could use our prayers for wisdom.

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