6,500 turnout for Hillsboro Gospel outreach

By Christian News NW,
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The estimated 6,500 people who enthusiastically attended the second run of a big evangelistic event here shouldn’t yet see it as a summer tradition.

Although Good News Today debuted a year ago at Hillsboro Stadium, and returned there again on Aug. 11, evangelist Jose Zayas and his team are being careful to follow God’s direction on future events.

“We do not have any plans to make this annual,” said Brandon Mosser, the event’s executive director. “We are simply praying and listening, asking the Holy Spirit to lead us what to do next.”

But for now, at least, the event organizers can look at what was accomplished  — the staging again of a colorful, creative outreach that literally rocked the rafters of the stadium with high-energy music as well as a fervent message from Zayas, Oregon-based evangelist and pastor at 26 West Church in Hillsboro.

The most significant result was that more than 100 decisions for Christ were recorded there, according to Mosser. The strong orientation toward faith in Him was made clear at the outset by Ian Nelson, vice president of the ministry Remember Nhu and the stadium event’s emcee.

“Our goal tonight is that you would know that we love you, but that even more important, that God loves you,” Nelson said.

A collaborative effort among local churches and businesses, Good News Today featured music by Crowder, Phil Wickham, Andy Mineo and Sarah Reeves.

Early in the program, supportive comments were offered by Hillsboro Mayor Steve Callaway, famed Portland-based evangelist Luis Palau — who garnered a standing ovation — and Palau’s son, Kevin. The elder Palau, who has been battling Stage 4 cancer for a year and a half, urged the many young people present to find lives of fulfillment in Christ, just as Zayas has.

“Look at what a happy guy he is, and how God is using him,” Palau said.

In a message based on several accounts of Jesus’ ministry as told in Luke 8, Zayas emphasized the Savior’s deep love for each individual, His power to bring hope to each life, and His readiness to forgive sin and to bring new life to all who will follow Him.

“There’s no situation you’re going through, or that I’m going through, that Jesus can’t speak to…. He’s waiting for you to call on Him,” Zayas said.

For more information on the ministry of Good News Today, go to goodnewstoday.world

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