
March 14, 2018 - Keeping your pace

Randy Alcorn Some years ago the women’s competition in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon had one of the most dramatic endings in sports history. Coming into the final stretch with a comfortable lead, the triathlete reached the very end of her reserves. She slowed, staggered, then collapsed within sight of the […]

March 12, 2018 - A community of soccer hooligans

By Tom Krattenmaker I USED TO SCOFF when I heard sports commentators glorify a team’s supporters by saying things like, “Football is a religion for [team name here] fans.” How, I thought, is that an advertisement for them? And if that’s their religion, if that’s their source of meaning, it’s […]

March 9, 2018 - Church honors pizza driver. Tears, viral video follows

Oregon Faith News Note, Chicago’s New Life Covenant Church decided to honor various people during their services to help restore respect and value to people and their stations in life. The helping out of a pizza delivery driver stunned the driver and made TV news. The driver, Monique Hall said, […]

March 7, 2018 - Compassion for the poorest

Randy Alcorn In his book The Great Ascent: The Struggle for Economic Development in Our Time, economist Robert Heilbroner recommended visualizing ourselves doing the following, step by step. Though this may make you uncomfortable, it will increase your level of gratitude, thankfulness, and contentment, and hopefully increase both your compassion […]

March 5, 2018 - George Fox helps the downcast…with free tax help

By George Fox University, George Fox University’s accounting department within the school’s College of Business is offering free tax preparation and e-filing assistance to local residents. Dates for help sessions are Friday and Saturday: April 6-7. The Tax-Aide program is designed to help taxpayers prepare their returns. The service is […]

March 5, 2018 - Adoption advocates

Oregon Right to Life The following is a guest post from Heidi, an adoptive mother who resides in Oregon with her family. Heidi’s personal story includes a great deal about her and her husband’s faith. As a reminder, Oregon Right to Life is a nonsectarian organization. We are so thankful […]