By Rick Johnson,
Better Dads Ministry
What does a real man look like? How does he live his life? Rick Johnson explores these ideas and more in his new book, The Power of a Man: Using Your Influence as a Man of Character. Johnson delves into what constitutes authentic manhood and why we need to redefine the way we look at it. By examining how the Bible defines manhood, looking to real-life examples, and outlining the key principals for men to live by, Johnson spells out how men can embrace this challenge and live out their true, God-given potential.
There’s much to gain from this shift in perspective: Many men have become confused by what real manhood looks like, whether from society’s misguided messages or because of the poor role model choices available. This is a book of hope for all the men in our lives, and the author speaks from experience. Coming from a fatherless home, Johnson details how he was able to overcome his own misinterpretations of masculinity and his troubled upbringing. He says, “We men need to understand the gift of influence that God has given us so we treat it responsibly and break the generational sins, curses and cycles that devastate the lineage of many men’s families.”
The Power of a Man is a great resource for all the men in our lives. Some interview and story ideas include:
• What role can women play in influencing and encouraging the men in their lives to become real men?
• The 11 elements that men should build their life around to begin this journey of becoming real men. This list is so important, the author presents them as a contract for male readers to sign and commit themselves to.
• Eight essential character traits that define this authentic sense of manhood: What these traits are and how men can grow in them.
• What are some of the character traits that men need to guard against? You’ll be surprised at some of them (the list includes passivity, apathy, self-indulgence and even niceness). Find out what’s so bad about these and how to overcome them.
• The various roles men play (such as husband, father, provider, protector) and how they can rise to the challenge of fulfilling them as real men.
• What are the real-life ramifications of this shift in perspective? How has it impacted—and empowered—real men’s lives? Speak to Rick Johnson for a first-person look at how this redefinition allowed him to overcome his own personal struggles and, even more, go on to impact and better the lives of other men, too.
As Johnson says to all men, “This country, this world, needs you. We need good men who understand what it really means to be a man. So go, and make the world a better place because you were here. Be a man. Be a good man.”
Rick Johnson is the founder of Better Dads, a fathering skills program designed to equip men to be more engaged in the lives of their children. Rick develops and delivers father training workshops for businesses, churches, schools, and other organizations across the country. He is the author of That’s My Son; Better Dads, Stronger Sons; and The Man Whisperer. Rick, his wife, Suzanne, and their two children live in Gresham, Oregon.
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, offers practical books that bring the Christian faith to everyday life. Resources are published from a variety of well-known authors and brands, including their partnership with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and Hungry Planet.
For an interview with Rick Johnson or to get more information about
his new book, please contact Ellen Graf-Martin at [email protected]
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