Easy-A Film Review: Best Anti-Christian Film of the Year!

Easy-A Movie Review: The Best Anti-Christian Film of the Year!
By Beaver Believer,
Oregon Writer

Easy-A is a film that takes a modern day high school twist on the Scarlet Letter but takes the premise of moral Puritanism to the extreme.   Christian teens in Easy-A viewed as the primary villains in the film they are shown as cruel, dumb, anti-scientific, hypocrites, name callers, physically abusive, excessive gossipers, hair sniffers, using stupid hand signs, careless to remember names, interrupt conversations, spoil the school spirit for everyone, and are even given the ultimate stereotype as rude sign wavers picketing the heroine in the film with signs filled with Bible verses and nasty slurs.    A Christian cannot even sharpen a pencil or use a hole punch machine without doing it in a vindictive and stupid fashion.   If that is not enough, those Christians teens have parents and the film shows them as hypocrites, foul mouthed, Divorce bigots and violent tempered.  The Christian grandparents are viewed as backwards people as well.  It would not be a complete anti-Christian film without a minister and the minister is shown as careless, rude and of course hypocritical.    Want more?  The secondary characters pile on their own negativity and name calling of Christians as “Snooty Jesus Freaks” and “Everyone hates them”.

I call Easy-A the best anti-Christian film because despite its heartless and tireless negative depiction of people of faith, the film has a great quality to it.   The Easy-A script is sharp, characters are fresh, directing is innovative and there are numerous life lessons that standing by themselves would be meaningful to all audiences.   Yet the Easy-A movie character attack on Christians is so unyielding and exhaustive.   At times it seems out of place, like doing a movie about bullying and making the chess club harass the football team.   If you love to demonize religious people then this is the perfect movie!

Showing Christian abstinence clubs as oppressive seems so odd, because where I am from in Oregon many abstinence programs are non-existent and some are outlawed.  When I was in high school I used to make fun of Christians.  Then I became one and I stopped making fun of people altogether.

I formed a high school Bible club.   I still vividly remember the vice principal warning us that we could have the club in the cafeteria but we were strictly outlawed from telling any students about it on schools grounds at any time during the day.  This is why the movie Easy-A feels so backwards to me because all of the oppression images in the movie were the exact opposite of what I experienced.   I can only guess that the screen writer Bert Royal was offended or victimized by hypocritical and renegade Christians in his life.   If so, I apologize.   Being picked on is painful.

I am not opposed to Christians being exposed for their faults or movies showcasing hypocrisy.  It is just that the movie Easy-A goes to such destructive lengths to character assassinate a group of people and therefore violently betrays some of the key messages the film tries to preach to the audience.      Such overkill is not good for any group or movie.

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