
February 15, 2021 - In the wake of Ravi Zacharias’s sexual abuse of women

By Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspectives Ministry Ministry headquartered in Sandy, Oregon A few months ago, Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM) released a statement about the external investigation into allegations against Ravi Zacharias. That preliminary statement was very disturbing, but the twelve-page final report released February 11, is horrific. Here is […]

February 12, 2021 - In defense of the church receiving PPP funds

By Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an article by the Associated Press on the Catholic Church’s participation in the Payroll Protection Program: Nancy Pelosi’s husband, who has a net worth of $120 million, co-owns a company that received a Payroll Protection […]

February 10, 2021 - Portland church mobilizes seniors to get vaccine

By Oregon faith News note The Madeleine Parish in Northeast Portland began a program to help their senior memebers get the COVID-19 vaccine. Now their project is being copied aroudn the state. They even created a helpful website to navigate when and where to get a vaccine. KGW-Tv further reports, […]

February 8, 2021 - Bible study equips for our post-Christian culture

Priscilla Shirer NW Baptist Witness article, It’s common to hear Christians resolving to read their Bibles more and engage in “deeper study” of the Scriptures when a new year begins. When Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer became captivated by Elijah’s narrative in 2014, she had no idea how much the church […]

February 5, 2021 - WhatsApp Alternative – ChatPray App

By Soultime Media Limited New research suggests that even as churches and other religious gatherings have been closed during lockdown, there’s been a big increase in people turning to prayer and other forms of spirituality. In a survey of more than 500 people, 77% of respondents said that knowing they […]

February 3, 2021 - Salem college reverses policy after alleged pro-life discrimination

By Christian News NW Subscribe Settling a lawsuit filed by a pro-life student group, Chemeketa Community College here has agreed to change its policies so that all students can speak freely and openly on campus. Represented by the Christian legal agency Alliance Defending Freedom, (ADF), Chemeketa’s Students for Life chapter […]

February 1, 2021 - Cool Christianity doesn’t jive

By Randy Alcorn, Oregon author & founder Eternal Perspective Ministries From Randy: This is an excellent blog from Brett McCracken on the problems with the church seeking to win the culture by conforming to it. This was a favorite line for me, relevant to today: “Attempts to square Christianity with […]

January 29, 2021 - President Biden’s conflicting Catholic signals

By Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on President Biden’s executive orders handed down today: On November 12, Pope Francis called President-elect Joe Biden to congratulate him on his electoral victory. He surely thought that the incoming president would make Catholics proud to […]

January 27, 2021 - Oregon seniors, vulnerable may witness months delay

By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon, It’s likely to take weeks—or more likely months—for Oregonians eligible to receive a coronavirus vaccine to actually receive a shot in the arm. That’s because the demand for the vaccine far exceeds the limited supplies, according to the association representing Oregon hospitals. Gov. Kate Brown […]

January 25, 2021 - Oregon author: Setting your spiritual clock

By Multnomah University, Dr. Paul Louis Metzger, author of multiple academic and general interest titles, encourages Christians to make sure sacred time rather than secular permeates our imaginations. Metzger’s latest book – available at 40% off until the end of January 2021 – Setting the Spiritual Clock: Sacred Time Breaking […]